Yellow-browed Warbler

Phylloscopus inornatus


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Fox Island, WA (Zone 8b) | December 2008 | Neutral
From my Thayer's guide:
Identification Tips:
Size: 9-10cm
Two yellow-white wing bars
Broad yellow supercillium
White belly and chest

Habitat and Behaviour: A common breeder in the extreme northeast of Europe in the northern Urals, and east across Asia to the Pacific. Winters from eastern Arabia to India and southeast Asia, small numbers also in western Europe. Sometimes in coniferous forest but generally prefers birch, willow and poplar in areas of mixed woodland. First North American record on September 23-24th, 1999 in Gambell, Alaska.
Eryngium Species
(Eryngium variifolium)
Wheel Bug
(Arilus cristatus)
Yellow-billed Spoonbill
(Platalea flavipes)
Eryngium Species
(Eryngium variifolium)
Wheel Bug
(Arilus cristatus)
Yellow-billed Spoonbill
(Platalea flavipes)