Pinyon Jay

Gymnorhinus cyanocephalus


This bird has been reportedly found in the following regions:

Lander, Wyoming

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Lander, WY (Zone 4a) | January 2009 | Neutral
These large, active birds visit my rural garden a couple of times a week in very large flocks (more than 50 individuals) in winter. They come less often and in smaller flocks in summer. The arrival of the main flock is usually presaged by the appearance of a couple of scouts, who perch in the trees and call loudly. The main body of the flock then descends en masse onto feeders, throwing out inferior seeds to get to the sunflowers and nuts. Pinyon jays are vigorous and enthusiastic eaters of sunflower seeds, tree nuts, fat, and peanuts. They will eat from feeders or forage among seeds dropped on the ground. The birds bathe together, often crowding into the pool so that every available inch is taken. They appreciate lard-and-seed mixes, and don't mind dangling upside-down to get at favorite ... read more
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