South Island Kokako

Callaeas cinereus


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(Zone 1) | August 2017 | Positive
The South Island Kokako which closely resembles their North Island cousins - being slightly smaller and darker, and having an orange wattle instead of a blue one - were long thought to be extinct, but recent sightings have rekindled hope that there could be a small population living in the South Island or on Stewart Island. It was listed as extinct as recently as 2013, but the sightings prompted a status change to "data deficient". The South Island Kokako Charitable Trust has invited the public to keep their eyes out for any sightings of this bird, and to report back to them.
Tropical Water Lily'Nora'
Common Grass Yellow
(Eurema hecabe)
Green Bee-eater
(Merops orientalis)
Tropical Water Lily'Nora'
Common Grass Yellow
(Eurema hecabe)
Green Bee-eater
(Merops orientalis)