Winter Wren

Troglodytes hiemalis


This bird has been reportedly found in the following regions:

Windsor, Connecticut

Rock Falls, Illinois

Guthrie Center, Iowa

Baton Rouge, Louisiana

Upper Marlboro, Maryland

Conway, Missouri

Needville, Texas

Rochester, Vermont

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Gardener's Notes:
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Rochester, VT | August 2010 | Positive
I've never laid eyes on this bird but I hear them frequently along forest streams in the Green Mountain National Forest (Vermont), where I live. I was arrested by the prolonged, squeaky song that sounds a bit like the old wooden bird call we had as kids, with a metal core that made a loud squeaky noise when you turned it inside the wooden cylinder. Actually, the winter wren makes me think of the mechanical birds that the European royal courts used to have for amusement.
I didn't know the bird's name until I was told by a Forest Service tech who has spent basically his whole life in the woods in our area.
I often hear it as I'm walking on a forest road alongside a stream. Sometimes I hear 2, calling back and forth. It's delightful to have them as "companions" on walks in t... read more
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