Crested Myna

Acridotheres cristatellus


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Beautiful, BC (Zone 8b) | December 2009 | Positive
Native to southeastern China and Indonesia, this small Myna was introduced to Vancouver, British Columbia in the 1890's by Chinese Immigrants. By the turn of the century the population was quite large, prospering in a growing agricultural area. This bird was an early version of the "Starling Invasion".

Growing up in Vancouver I can clearly recall noticing the black birds flying overhead and perching on wires with the white patches under-wing. The crest was noticeable if you were close enough. The call was varied, sometimes sounding like a Starling. They seemed to take to city life well but I believe the Starling finally pushed them out. I haven't seen the Crested Myna for many years and apparently it is now extirpated from the area.
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Rhododendron 'Bixby'
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