House Wren

Troglodytes aedon


This bird has been reportedly found in the following regions:

Canoga Park, California

Aurora, Illinois

Cherry Valley, Illinois

Cissna Park, Illinois

Rock Falls, Illinois

Saint Joseph, Illinois

Coatesville, Indiana

Corunna, Indiana

Yale, Iowa

Hebron, Kentucky

Baton Rouge, Louisiana

Rockville, Maryland

Brighton, Michigan

Mattawan, Michigan

Bolivar, Missouri

Brunswick, Missouri

Columbia, Missouri

Conway, Missouri

Saint Louis, Missouri

Saint Robert, Missouri

Springfield, Missouri

Beachwood, New Jersey

Marlton, New Jersey

Sparta, New Jersey

Himrod, New York

Pekin, North Dakota

Bucyrus, Ohio

Columbus, Ohio

Galena, Ohio

Gold Hill, Oregon

Lewisburg, Pennsylvania

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Austin, Texas

Manchester Center, Vermont

Fredericksburg, Virginia

Racine, Wisconsin

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Gardener's Notes:
2 positives 4 neutrals 0 negative
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(Zone 5a) | August 2012 | Neutral
I am mixed, too, because of their bad bird habits. But yet I enjoy their song and their bouncy ways.

We rarely see these birds all summer, but sometimes early in the breeding season and most often late July through August. This is the first year we've seen any of their destruction. We found a pierced Mourning Dove egg.

This is our first year to have a nesting box up, but the only interested party was a pair of Tree Swallows and even then, they moved on after checking it out. It is between our driveway and pasture, and there's no real close by trees.

Last year a male made a dummy nest in an old Barn Swallow nest above our front door.


Sparta, NJ (Zone 6a) | September 2011 | Neutral
Mixed feelings- although I enjoyed watching the nest building and rearing of the young, these birds are very protective and territorial. I had a thistle seed feeder in the yard and they would not let any bird near it (despite the fact they have no interest in the seed). One amusing side note- they didn't tolerate the chipmonks either- I watched a couple of the chipmonks get "wing-punched" and pecked by both wren parents- they couldn't run away fast enough.
If you like the wrens, that's great, but understand that during the nesting season, they may be the only bird you see in your yard. They were fun to watch, but I don't think I'll encourage them next year. I missed seeing the goldfinches at the thistle seed feeder.


Corunna, IN | August 2011 | Positive
I put up bird houses this year and adopted a wren I nicknamed Lonesome George pretty quickly. He quickly went about building false nests in all of them and called loudly for several weeks until a female appeared. At first I found him to be a pest, trying to take over all the birdhouses, but after some house sparrows occupied one of them, I appreciated George the wren, who persistantly kept tearing the sparrows nest up, making life very hard for them. I had wanted bluebirds, but I'm glad they never appeared because George probably would have killed their babies like the sparrows. The wrens left in early August with their babies, but I look forward to him coming back next year. I hope he does.
They didn't bother my finches at all.


Lewisburg, PA (Zone 6b) | June 2010 | Neutral
Prolific where shrubby plantings and houses are available. They have a loud, piercing whistle and call constantly.


Pekin, ND | August 2009 | Positive
About mid August, the singing stops and they are gone--why do they leave so early and where do they go? I miss them!!


Whiteside County, IL (Zone 5a) | December 2008 | Neutral
Summer birds only here in northwest Illinois. I really enjoy their loud chatter and song in the summer. They are competitors to other cavity nesters though, as they will pierce the eggs and/or toss them on the ground.

On the plus side, they eat lots of bugs.
Species Lilium
(Lilium regale)
(Danaus plexippus)
Rainbow Lorikeet
(Trichoglossus moluccanus)
Species Lilium
(Lilium regale)
(Danaus plexippus)
Rainbow Lorikeet
(Trichoglossus moluccanus)