Western Meadowlark

Sturnella neglecta


This bird has been reportedly found in the following regions:

Santa Margarita, California

Montpelier, Idaho

Yale, Iowa

Cut Bank, Montana

Las Cruces, New Mexico

Belfield, North Dakota

Medora, North Dakota

Gold Hill, Oregon

Cleburne, Texas

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Gardener's Notes:
3 positives 1 neutral 0 negative
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Deming, NM | April 2019 | Positive
Delightful bird. Seen and heard often when I was growing up in rural Nebraska.

"The buoyant, flutelike melody of the Western Meadowlark ringing out across a field can brighten anyone's day, evident in the fact that it is also the state bird of Kansas, Montana, Nebraska, North Dakota, and Oregon"


ROSLINDALE, MA | July 2015 | Positive
All across the great plains, in summer they can be seen sitting on fenceposts and singing. The liquid song is my favorite of all birdsongs.


(Zone 5a) | August 2014 | Positive
This is the first year we can say this bird nested on our property. They brought their young to our yard after they were able to leave the nest. The young Western Meadowlarks look much like the adults, but are much paler.

There are minor field mark differences between the Western and Eastern Meadowlarks, but the song of the Western is definitely more melodic than the Eastern.

I often give a positive rating for most of North America's native birds, just because. In this case, these birds do provide a great service for us. They eat grubs and even though we've never used a chemical pesticide here, we never had signs of any lawn damage from the grubs.

If you live in the right habitat and the weather conditions are just so, they are willing t... read more


Pine City, MN (Zone 4a) | July 2009 | Neutral
We saw them in Custer State Park, Custer, SD and Badlands National Park, near Wall Drug, SD.
Tropical Water Lily'Nora'
Common Grass Yellow
(Eurema hecabe)
Green Bee-eater
(Merops orientalis)
Tropical Water Lily'Nora'
Common Grass Yellow
(Eurema hecabe)
Green Bee-eater
(Merops orientalis)