White Cockatoo, White-crested Cockatoo, Umbrella Cockatoo

Cacatua alba


This bird has been reportedly found in the following regions:

New Haven, Connecticut

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Buffalo, NY (Zone 6a) | March 2009 | Neutral
Living up to (perhaps beyond) 80 years, they are endemic to the islands of Halmahera, Bacan, Ternate, Tidore, Kasiruta and Mandiole in North Maluku, Indonesia.

Although the Umbrella Cockatoo is not classified as an endangered species, it is classified as vulnerable. Its number in the wild have declined owing to habitat loss and illegal trapping for the cage-bird trade.

Umbrella Cockatoos are kept as pets because they can be very affectionate, bond closely with people and are valued for their beauty. They can imitate basic human speech, but are not considered the most able speakers among parrots.

The high market value of these birds has led to unsustainable levels of harvest for the pet trade.

Protea'Atlantic Queen'
(Protea magnifica)
Robber Fly
(Triorla interrupta)
Pacific Golden Plover
(Pluvialis fulva)
Protea'Atlantic Queen'
(Protea magnifica)
Robber Fly
(Triorla interrupta)
Pacific Golden Plover
(Pluvialis fulva)