Common House Spider, Cobweb Spider

Parasteatoda tepidariorum


This bug has been reportedly found in the following regions:

Aliso Viejo, California

Yale, Iowa

Trenton, New Jersey

Crossville, Tennessee

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Gardener's Notes:
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(Zone 5a) | September 2015 | Positive
The common name of Common House Spider suits this arachnid well. This spider is native to the United States and Canada.

I have countless of these pest control agents around my home AND one is inside my kitchen at the window. If it ends up being a female and she lays an egg, I might think about transferring her to the outside, or if too cold, then the basement.

This spider builds a messy web to catch its prey and is able to subdue insects three times larger than itself. This encouraged me to keep the spider in the kitchen when I saw it wrestling, then eating a fly.

The female will either lay her egg sacs one at a time, waiting until the young disperse to lay another, or up to four at once. As long as she lives, she stays close to these eg... read more


Aliso Viejo, CA | October 2007 | Neutral
The genus has been revised, the correct name is now: Parasteatoda tepidariorum
Penstemon Species
(Penstemon barbatus)
Unicorn Prominent Moth
(Schizura unicornis)
Blue Waxbill
(Uraeginthus angolensis)
Penstemon Species
(Penstemon barbatus)
Unicorn Prominent Moth
(Schizura unicornis)
Blue Waxbill
(Uraeginthus angolensis)