Cross Spider

Araneus diadematus


This bug has been reportedly found in the following regions:

San Anselmo, California

Naugatuck, Connecticut

Belleville, Michigan

Hartville, Missouri

Roseland, New Jersey

Pasco, Washington

Vancouver, Washington

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Gardener's Notes:
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Vancouver, WA | March 2013 | Positive
Highly useful spiders! The ones at my house come in shades of blonde to bark-brown, but they all start as those tiny yellow babies with the black triangle. They are the ONLY baby spiders I will move with my hands to the gardens (they tend to hatch in the back yard where there isn't much foliage). Once their web is spun, they catch everything from flies to wasps. When they "wave" it is a threat display; they're saying "get out of my face" and not "hello"...but they stay mostly with their webs.


Marin, CA (Zone 9b) | September 2007 | Positive
They are all over the side of the house and on my front porch. Never see them in the house.
They stay in their spot for monts, and I have a few that are pretty big now ; 1 cm!
They don't bother nobody, but when you tickle their belly they grab your finger.
Podranea Species
(Podranea ricasoliana)
(Eublemma eurynipha)
Monk Parakeet
(Myiopsitta monachus)
Podranea Species
(Podranea ricasoliana)
(Eublemma eurynipha)
Monk Parakeet
(Myiopsitta monachus)