Scarlet Tanager

Piranga olivacea


This bird has been reportedly found in the following regions:

Anna, Illinois

Arlington Heights, Illinois

Yale, Iowa

Baton Rouge, Louisiana

Plain Dealing, Louisiana

Jefferson, Maine

Hubbardston, Massachusetts

Saint Paul, Minnesota

Cole Camp, Missouri

Saint Robert, Missouri

Brookline, New Hampshire

Pittsboro, North Carolina

Carroll, Ohio

Glenmont, Ohio

Guysville, Ohio

Oak Harbor, Ohio(2 reports)

Aberdeen, South Dakota

Copper Hill, Virginia

Hacker Valley, West Virginia

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Gardener's Notes:
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Brookline, NH | August 2019 | Positive
Standing at the back patio doors to my newly built house (1993), this scarlet tanager came straight out of the deep woods and at the very last second, spotted the glass, and took a 90 degree turn straight up to avoid hitting the glass. Flaming red! Deep black wings outstretched! What a sight! And so started my collection of books on bird identification. I've not seen it since, but still hope to see another.


Arlington Heights, IL | May 2014 | Positive
I was surprised and excited to see this beautiful bird in my garden today and after several attempts (resident cardinals kept chasing it off) I was able to get it on video. And another bird I have been seeing that resembled a female warbler on steroids I think is the female tanager


Aberdeen, SD | May 2013 | Positive
We saw this bird when we went for a walk in the park. Had to come home to find out what it was. Thank you Davesgarden. Love this website.
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