Common Pheasant, Ring-necked Pheasant
Galliformes is a large order of birds that includes six sub-families. "Gallus", from which the name Galliformes is derived, means 'cock' or 'rooster' in Latin and gives you a clue as to which birds are included in the order Galliformes: chickens, pheasants, quail, turkey, grouse and many other similar birds. Within the natural ecosystems that Galliformes inhabit, they fill a vital niche by dispersing and planting seeds as they consume vegetatation.

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Thunbergia Species
(Thunbergia mysorensis)
Giant Leopard Moth
(Hypercompe scribonia)
Satin Bowerbird
(Ptilonorhynchus violaceus)
Thunbergia Species
(Thunbergia mysorensis)
Giant Leopard Moth
(Hypercompe scribonia)
Satin Bowerbird
(Ptilonorhynchus violaceus)