Wolf spider

Alopecosa cuneata


This bug has been reportedly found in the following regions:

Round Rock, Texas

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Gardener's Notes:
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| April 2019 | Positive
I can't tell you enough how much joy spiders and other bugs give me in my life, I'm only 11 and I like going out looking for bugs and letting them crawl on me and picking them up and stuff like that, for 7 years of my life I've spent doing constant research on animals and minibeasts and I know how to handle them properly, and as such I've never been bitten by anything I've picked up, let crawl on me, or touched in my 7 years of exploring. I also would never kill a animal anywhere no matter how harmful or ugly it is because I believe everything has a life that it deserves to have and humans don't have a right to take it away. I wouldn't even kill a fly or cockroach.


Point Venture , TX | March 2019 | Positive
Found everywhere in Texas.
Can be quite large and scary. When I find one in my house, which happens often. They like the bathtub. I catch it in a cup and put it outside on one of my plants.
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