Cotton Harlequin Bug

Tectocoris diophthalmus


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| June 2009 | Neutral
While I was on holidays in Brisbane, Australia, I found this Cotton Harlequin female looking after her young. I checked up on it every once in a while over three days:

On the first day, she was just sitting over the eggs, and I resisted the urge to find out what she would do if she felt threatened. As I gently twisted the branch to get a better look, she moved herself so she was always upright.

By day two, the eggs had already hatched. I missed the event!

On day three, the nymphs had moved from the stem onto the leaf, and mom had stayed put.

Many thanks to kennedyh [[email protected]] for IDing this insect for me.
Dicentra Species
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Dicentra Species
(Dicentra formosa)
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Eastern Bluebird
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