Black Webspinner

Oligotoma nigra


This bug has been reportedly found in the following regions:

Phoenix, Arizona

Oildale, California

Sun City, California

Upland, California

Cross Timbers, Missouri

Dunn, North Carolina

Pottstown, Pennsylvania

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Gardener's Notes:
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Jackson, MS | July 2017 | Neutral
Black and orange striped Blister beetles were pictured twice under black webspinner but are not a webspinner. They are about .4 inch to .8 inch long while webspinners are about half that long. This species is the worst plant defoliator of blister beetles. They occur in large sparms and provide a low toxin called cantharidin. Cantharidin causes blistering on hands if sensitive enough or blistering of intestines of livestock that eats the plants tainted from the beetles feeding on the plant.


Bakersfield, CA | April 2011 | Neutral
I believe this is invading my greens in the garden . I flush them with water but they are back the next day. I will take a pic to compare. If its not this bug its one similiar. I thought it was called the devils coach wagon or something similiar.
I live in california. If anyone has any other info that will help me with these creatures and prevent them from eating my greens I would appreciate it.
Aechmea Bromeliad'Del Mar'
Convergent Ladybug
(Hippodamia convergens)
Blue-and-yellow Macaw
(Ara ararauna)
Aechmea Bromeliad'Del Mar'
Convergent Ladybug
(Hippodamia convergens)
Blue-and-yellow Macaw
(Ara ararauna)