Ceraunus Blue, Antillean Blue

Hemiargus ceraunus


This bug has been reportedly found in the following regions:

Boca Raton, Florida

Lutz, Florida

Miami Beach, Florida

Houston, Texas

San Isidro, Texas

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Houston, TX | September 2008 | Neutral
Three different races in this species enter the United States from the Antilles, eastern Mexico and Baja California. The Southwestern population usually has only one (1) eyespot on the underside of the hind wing, while the Central American sub-species has two (2) eyespots. Note, the one I have posted has two (2) eyespots. It is a male, judging from the dorsal coloration. The female would be dusky brown-black. This butterfly is not uncommon in the lower border states and up into Nevada and Utah. It is absent from the central Gulf States.

The Antillean Blue is very small, with an average wingspan from 3/4" to 1".
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