Puss Moth Caterpillar, Asp, Southern Flannel Moth

Megalopyge opercularis


This bug has been reportedly found in the following regions:

Bartow, Florida

Fort Lauderdale, Florida

North Port, Florida

Wauchula, Florida

West Palm Beach, Florida

Dallas, Georgia

Worden, Illinois

Houma, Louisiana

Lake Charles, Louisiana

New Orleans, Louisiana

Hillsborough, North Carolina

Raeford, North Carolina

Charleston, South Carolina

Lyman, South Carolina

Denton, Texas

Mcallen, Texas

Missouri City, Texas

Rockwall, Texas

Seabrook, Texas

Spring, Texas

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Gardener's Notes:
1 positive 3 neutral 1 negative
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Rockwall, TX | May 2018 | Neutral
Ouch indeed! I have not been stung, but my neighbor has and his comment was that it would make a grown person cry... Pretty caterpillar though. Have found them in some of my trees in the early fall here in North Texas.


North Port, FL | August 2014 | Neutral
I found one of these on my lemon tree last summer. It was the first one I had ever seen, but because I had experienced being stung by a saddleback caterpillar in Georgia some years back, I was careful not to touch it.


Winter Haven, FL (Zone 9b) | July 2009 | Negative
Nasty little thing. Laid my arm on one (thought it was an old pumpkin seed) hurt like the dickens. It caused pain to shoot through my entire arm and cause my heart to start beating erratically. Ended up going to the emergency room. One stung a co-worker of my dad and gave him a seizure. Once again, NASTY! I was given multiple shots and steroids. They also gave me a pretty hefty dose of some sort of pain killer which knocked me out so i slept through the rest of the pain ha ha ha.


Worden, IL (Zone 6a) | November 2007 | Neutral
I was stung by a Flannel Moth larvae more than 20 years ago, but remember the pain still! I was trimming limbs from sassafras along our road in Madison Co., IL in late August. I took hold of a branch and felt a stabbing pain in my left hand between my ring and middle fingers. Searching through the leaves, I discovered the furry caterpillar. I started walking toward the house which was about 500 feet away. Before I got that far, the pain had migrated up my arm to my elbow and my fingers were swollen. A few minutes more and the pain had reached my armpit and shoulder. At that point, the progression stopped and I had no further symptoms except the pain which kept me from sleeping all night. My usual remedy for bee sting, a paste of baking soda, had little effect, nor did ice help. I had to ke... read more


New Iberia, LA (Zone 9a) | October 2007 | Positive
Not same color as this one but I got contacted with a puss cateripllar yesterday.. Warning! Very Painful for hours! It feels like burns from a fire but it keep burning for more than 5 hours. For me. It's almost 12 hours. It can cause weak, nausea, swollen, numb. This kind is very posionious than all the cateripllar.
Banksia Species
(Banksia laevigata subsp. fuscolutea)
Leaf beetle
(Coptocephala scopolina)
Violet-tailed Sylph
(Aglaiocercus coelestis)
Banksia Species
(Banksia laevigata subsp. fuscolutea)
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(Coptocephala scopolina)
Violet-tailed Sylph
(Aglaiocercus coelestis)