Wolf Spider

Hogna helluo


This bug has been reportedly found in the following regions:

East Moline, Illinois

Cole Camp, Missouri

Sheffield Lake, Ohio

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East Moline, IL | October 2010 | Neutral
These spiders are very common in the Midwest, and while they may bite if mishandled, their venom is not considered medically significant. I like to catch and keep these spiders as pets (I have four of them at this time), and I have learned a lot from studying them.
These spiders make no web, but are hunting spiders. They often stalk or ambush their prey, and they are important in the garden because they feed on many insects that are considered pests. they make fascinating pets, and are easy to keep, needing no more than a small dish of water and a small cricket every other day. they can be kept in any small clear container that gives them room to roam. A small 4x6x8 plastic terrarium is ideal.
Euphorbia Species
(Euphorbia coerulescens)
Cream Cahill Mayfly
(Stenonema femoratum)
Northern Cardinal
(Cardinalis cardinalis)
Euphorbia Species
(Euphorbia coerulescens)
Cream Cahill Mayfly
(Stenonema femoratum)
Northern Cardinal
(Cardinalis cardinalis)